Product Description

Panda is Zinc solution. It is a special product with high zinc content. In plants with zinc deficiency, with regular use, it increases vegetative and generative development, provides healthy plant development and high productivity. Possible zinc deficiency can be prevented by regular applications in fields and gardens. It definitely has therapeutic properties against zinc deficiency, eliminating deficiencies even in low doses.


This product can be mixed with all types of fertilizers and pesticides, but it is recommended to test small doses before each application. You can also consult our technical experts regarding usage.

Application Type

Leaf Application
Soil Application

Packaging Options

Guaranteed Content w/w
Water Soluble Manganese (Mn) %20
Plant Usage and Dosage
Field Crops (Barley, Wheat, Paddy, Corn, etc.) After tillering, 100-150 ml./100 lt.
Industrial Crops (Potato, Sugar Beet, Cotton, Sunflower, Canola, etc.) When the plants are in the 4-6 leaf stage, 100-150 ml./100lt.
Citrus Fruits, Vineyard, Olive Three applications: 150-200ml./100lt. before, after and after flowering.
In Hard and Pome Fruit Trees A total of 3 applications: 150-200ml./100lt. before, after and after flowering.
Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant (Outdoor and Under Cover) 2 applications before and after flowering, 100-150ml./100lt.

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